Hi! I`m Thomas Andersen, President of TRA Consulting, and today I want to share with you one of my experiences growing a business during difficult economic times.
They say we are in an economic downturn. One of global proportions. And we are going to be here for a long time due to the pandemic. I see a silver lining, especially for small businesses. And its based on my own life experience.
The year was 2008 and I was starting my IT business. We had just entered the Great Recession caused by the housing bubble in the United States. That recession was global, but only because the crisis centered in the United States, and everything that happens in the United States affects everyone else in the world; and it went on to last another 4-6 years. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had actually chosen the perfect time to start my own business. I took it for granted, but I had virtually no competition from large, corporate Managed IT Services outfits. I was given the grace to be able to grow my business without fighting off any competition until things began to change around 2014.
I don’t know what the future holds, and I don’t know if my luck will hold out like it has in the past; but if history repeats itself, we may see a big reduction in advertising, sales, and marketing budgets across the board for large companies. If that happens, the conditions may be right for small businesses to thrive again.
If you have made it this far through the pandemic, and you still have your business; and especially if you are in a financially stable condition as a going business; the first thing I want to do is congratulate you on making it this far through your own personal struggle. You must be doing quite a few things right on your own, and you are probably very good at what you do, besides that. Hang tight, better days are around the corner.
Part of keeping up with these uncertain times is choosing the right providers and services. If you decide to work with my company, I will personally ensure that you are in good hands. We understand how to provide great IT at an even better price and we will be here if you need help with anything IT.