
Thomas Andersen founded TRA Consulting Inc in 2000 and has been the sole owner/operator and shareholder of the organization since. He currently holds the position of President and oversees the strategic vision of the company. TRA Consulting, Inc. is an IT Company located in Long Beach, CA. Our IT Company serves all of Southern California – including Los Angeles County, Orange County, and San Diego County.

Prior to TRA Consulting Inc, Thomas cut his teeth in the IT Industry working some of the toughest jobs in a wide variety of verticals doing tasks that really ran the gamut of IT Services and IT Convergence.

As President, Founder, and current staff member, Thomas Andersen holds himself to a high standard. He ensures that he and the organization are benchmarked against industry standards. He expects that his staff, much like himself, are continually improving, learning, and growing. He offers growth and certification paths to his employees as a way to support their career paths and the growth of their internal IT Staff.

He holds certifications from HDI, Interop, ISC2, and CompTIA. He assisted CompTIA in the development of the CASP+ (Certified Advanced Security Practitioner) certification in 2010, and the Pentest+ (penetration tester) certification in 2018.

Today, Thomas Andersen gets great personal satisfaction out of serving the small-business community, mentoring, networking, and taking on fun and challenging projects. He manages the IT Staff at TRA Consulting Inc, who in turn provide the same exceptional level of customer service Thomas Andersen has always prided himself on.

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