One of the newest technologies of the past decade that has been growing the fastest is Artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence is now creeping its way into every facet of our lives, from something as simple as a Google search and unlocking your cellphone with your face, to something more esoteric like algo trading in the stock market or helping Astronomers find new exo-planets.
A recent survey by Trend Micro of Cyber Security professionals shows that around 40 percent of them believe their jobs will be replaced by some form of Artificial intelligence in the next 10 years. Now, this doesn’t mean that IT Managers and network engineers will be replaced with human-like androids sitting in an office in front of a computer, but rather by new smarter devices, software and algorithms that use the power of machine learning to secure and protect networks against threats. Something that might accelerate that is the use of Artificial Intelligence by cyber criminals to aid them into finding vulnerabilities in a corporate network they want to break in. Analysts believe this could start happening as early as 2025. Only time will tell if this technological cat and mouse game will come true where Artificial intelligence on both sides will battle against each other in this perpetual red vs blue dynamic, while humans stand on the sideline monitoring and planning how to give their side an edge.
Small and midsize companies, for the foreseeable future, will still have to rely in humans to keep them safe from cyber threats. The best thing a small business that cannot afford to have their own internal IT staff is to outsource that responsibility to a knowledgeable Managed IT service provider, like TRA Consulting. Managed IT Service providers can help you lower the technology adoption barrier, outsourcing your Day-to-day IT Management, back-up and disaster recovery, and on demand IT staff at a fraction of a price of a full time IT staff. One of the technologies that small business struggle with is with Cloud services. An experienced Managed IT service provider, like TRA consulting, can help small businesses use the cloud in different ways, whether for data backup and protection, email services, and virtualization.
If you are worried about employee efficiency and how it relates to IT and AI, it might be time to give us a call. This is where having an experienced managed it services provider on your side can make all the difference. Call us now for a free analysis and quote on your infrastructure upgrade needs.
TRA Consulting is your number one IT Services Los Angeles. If you are looking for IT Support Los Angeles, and you haven’t found IT Consulting Los Angeles, give us a call. You might be located in Orange County, and it might be important to you to find IT Services Orange County. If that is the case, be assured we are centrally located to all of Orange County. Call the number one Managed IT Services Los Angeles for all your Managed IT Service Providers needs