Our digital marketing customers have the option to take advantage of our Website Hosting and Domain Registration Services. TRA Consulting, Inc. is your one-stop-shop for everything digital marketing.
We maintain our hosting servers in an ultra-secure datacenter based in Los Angeles; not offshore outside the continental United States. The data center we use is compliant with all applicable regulatory frameworks. All sites we host receive a daily off-site backup to a major backup provide. Our website backup provider hosts its data within the boundaries of the continental United States and is compliant with all applicable regulatory frameworks.
We provide hosting and domain registration services for our clients because hosting and registration is critical for a website; but it is a rarely considered factor for most website owners. It is the only way we can guarantee that your website:
- Has continuity, and no one forgets to pay the annual bill
- Has an active, annually renewed SSL Certificate
- Is running on the newest version of CentOS, PHP, SQL, and WordPress
Non-technical website owners don’t often give much thought to domain privacy, site security, daily backups, or compliance; but WE DO. We take security threats and data loss very seriously. When it comes to your website, don’t play around.
The best part? Our prices are very reasonable. CONTACT US today and let’s talk!