Hi! I`m Thomas Andersen, President of TRA Consulting, and today I want to share with you somewhat anecdotal. It isn’t based on metrics or analytics; just observation and experience. So take it with a grain of salt, if you don’t agree.
I run an IT company based in Long Beach, CA. I also help run an “offshore”, Technical Call Center right across the border in Tijuana, MX. So I have a slightly unique perspective, and get to see changes unfold on both sides of the border. Especially in these difficult times, what I get to see for myself is eye-opening.
My technical call-center in Tijuana is tiny. But we are surrounded by humongous call centers operated by companies spanning Mexico and spanning the globe. What I am seeing is a massive-scale ramp-up in call-center marketing budget. Yes, they are pulling out all the stops in recruiting here in this city. From what I see, the business is on fire (in a good way), and there is no shortage of jobs.
I am seeing this play out on the street, in the buildings, in the new signage and new buildings going up, the constant expansion…the Indeed.com and social media recruitment…the improving rates of pay and standard of living…
What is my takeaway from all this? Well, those jobs that were lost to remote work in the USA – sure a lot of it stayed in the USA. But many of those jobs went overseas. And if what I am seeing in Tijuana is a reflection of what is happening in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, The Philippines, Pakistan, India, and beyond; well, these things must be happening everywhere else in the world.
Just the cynic in me; but this may be the new norm. Let’s learn to work harder and smarter. The world is becoming a global marketplace, for better or worse. We are all going to have to learn to cope with the change or get left in the dust.
Just the cynic in me; but this may be the new norm. Let’s learn to work harder and smarter. The world is becoming a global marketplace, for better or worse. We are all going to have to learn to cope with the change or get left in the dust. Are you and your company ready for this? If you aren’t sure of this call us, we will be happy to help your business stay competitive working harder and smarter.
Part of keeping up with these uncertain times is choosing the right providers and services. If you decide to work with my company, I will personally ensure that you are in good hands. We understand how to provide great IT at an even better price and we will be here if you need help with anything IT.